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  Sysop keys

  The following keys work while a user is on-line:

  [F1] [F2]    : Comprehensive user statistics on an optional
  [F3] [F5]      two-line  status  bar at the bottom  of  the

  [F4]         : System statistics. This is the default status
                 bar  that is displayed when  RemoteAccess  is
                 waiting for a call.

  [F6]         : User's reason for wanting chat (if any).

  [F9]         : Help! Hot-key summary.

  [F10]        : Turn off the status bar, to show exactly what
                 the  user is seeing.  [F1] to [F5] brings  it

  [ALT-Fn]     : Activate  one of ten programs in a shell,  or
                 exit to DOS at a certain errorlevel.

  [ALT-C]      : Break  in for  a chat  if there is a user  on
                 remotely.  ESC  finishes chat mode and  drops
                 the user back to the BBS.

  [CTL-A]      : Opens  and  closes a  capture file  during  a
                 chat session.

  [ALT-D]      : Toggles  "Snoop" mode,  ie. whether the local
                 screen shows what the user is doing.

  [ALT-E]      : Activates a pop-up user attribute editor
                 for the user currently online.

  [ALT-H]      : Hang up on the user immediately.

  [ALT-J]      : Drop to a DOS shell while the user is  still

  [ALT-L]      : Lock  the  user out of the system by dropping
                 his/her  security level to zero  and  hanging

  [ALT-P]      : Toggle printer logging.

  [ALT-O]      : Override  paging  hours.  This allows you  to
                 enable or disable sysop paging regardless  of
                 the  time.  Note that this is permanent,  and
                 affects all lines until reset.

  [ALT-S]      : Modify the current user's security level.

  [Up-Arrow]   : Increase the user's time by one minute.

  [Down-Arrow] : Decrease the user's time by one minute.

  When  the system is waiting for a call,  the only sysop  key
  that is active is [ALT-O],  however, pressing [L] will allow
  you to log-on locally,  and [ESC] will terminate the program
  and  return to DOS.  Note that terminating in this way  will
  always  return  an  errorlevel  of 0 to  DOS  regardless  of
  whether the -E command-line parameter is invoked.                                   .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson